Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat...

On Halloween night, we went back over to Grandma and Papa's for some homemade chilli, cornbread, and some trick or treating... Sofia dressed up as Minnie Mouse for her first Halloween...


Of course she loved everything about her costume except for the ears....

Papa came trick or treating with us this year and Grandma stayed home to pass out the candy. We missed you Grandma!

Nana and Grandpa came over also...They couldn't wait to take their 1st grand-daughter trick or treating...
Trick or treating with cousins is the best!! This year Bella was a ladybug, Olivia was Hannah Montana and baby Reed was a 3-eyed monster...
Can you say C-A-N-D-Y???
I'm not sure what Sofia is thinking here...But I'm thinking it's.."This FREE CANDY thing is GREAT!!!
And then she passed out in the car....


Pumpkin Delight (Kimberly) said...

Adorable...all of them!

sburns said...

It's offocial. We have the cutest Grandchildren ever!! We sure had a lot of fun this year. It was a full day of Halloween celebration. Grandma was pooped at the end of the night but it was worth it including Paula Dean's homemade chile. Boy that was good! Can't wait for next year.

girlytwins said...

So so cute!! Cutest Minnie ever :)

Jason, as himself said...

I loved seeing her personality in full swing the other day! The Minnie Mouse pic slays me!