Sunday, January 11, 2009

I Love Visitors!!!

The last couple of weeks have been super busy!! We get visitors everyday to love up Sofia. I want to thank everyone for taking the time to come by. Thank you for all the presents! (This girl is spoiled!) Thank you for the homemade dinners. You all made our transition into parenthood extremely easy!! We wanted to take a picture of all of her visitors, but there were just so many. I apologize if we didn't get a photo with you and the baby!!

Grandma and Papa

Sofia's cousins Bella and Olivia
Auntie Jen
Uncle Andy
Laura and Dave

Aunt Cathie
Lilia and Angela
Uncle Ismael
(From Left to Right) Aunt Susie, Anaya, Uncle Chris, Uncle Sam, Aunt Lollie, Angie, Grandpa Chiavat, and Nana Irma

1 comment:

jlo said...

I was having a good hair day!!