Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Poor Sofia!!

What a night we had!! Wow. This night by far has been the hardest since the day Sofia was born. Charlie and I laughed and cried and didn't know what in the heck we were doing. It all started around 8:30 pm. Sofia sound asleep in her crib woke up screaming like we have never heard her scream before! She had cold like symptoms and couldn't breathe through her nose. Did I mention she is a bikini sucker??? We sat in the steamy bathroom for hours, I called the advice nurse at Kaiser, and we drove around and looked at Christmas lights twice. She fell asleep both times in the car and woke up as soon as we got her out...SCREAMING...The third and final car ride, at 4:00 am, she fell asleep. We finally got smart and took her out IN her car seat. In the morning we took her to urgent care and she has an ear infection. Needless to say...Sofia has been sleeping in our bed in her car seat for four nights. Today she fell asleep on the couch...I see a crib in her near future!!! Poor Sofia!!

1 comment:

jlo said...

Even sick she's so pretty! xoxox