Friday, February 27, 2009

Doctor's Appointment

Today was Sofia's two month check-up. Being new parents, we didn't know what to expect. We had heard from other parents that shots would be involved. Luckily, both Charlie and I were able to go. It started out okay. She was happy and smiling as they weighed her and took her measurements. She weighs 9 lbs. 5 ounces and is 21 inches long. After asking the doctor several questions, it was time for her shots. You know how babies cry so hard they turn purple and can't catch their breath? Well, that was Sofia. I'll admit... I cried right along with her. Good thing Daddy was there to be the strong one!!
So when we got home...Sofia did a lot of this..

And a lot of this...

Thankfully, by Sunday she was back to her normal, happy self.
For her next round of shots, I think Daddy is going alone!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I remember crying every time. Every. Single. Time. And there was no one to go with me. She is so sweet. LOVE her outfit to pieces. Oh good heavens that is too adorable for words. Are the clothing choices just the most fun things in the world?