Dear Grandma and Papa,
I was just wondering why you didn't take me with you to Hawaii. After all, I fly for free and mommy had this week off from work. Well, if you would have taken me, I would have loved to lounge by the pool with you...
I was just wondering why you didn't take me with you to Hawaii. After all, I fly for free and mommy had this week off from work. Well, if you would have taken me, I would have loved to lounge by the pool with you...
Well, maybe next summer we can go as a family. I miss you a lot and can't wait to see you on Saturday!
Love, Sofia
P.S. Tomorrow I am going to your house with mommy to feed the cats. It's a tough job, but somebody's got to do it!!
Don't worry Sofia about not getting to wear that bathing suit again, casue when we actually make it to Maui, we're going daddy-daughter surfing !!!
I laughed so hard at these pictures. She looks like such a big girl!
Aloha little wahine! Loved these pics. She is prepared for the real thing. :)
Oh, that last comment was from Heather
I laughed so hard at these pictures, Chris had to come over & see what all the comotion was about! Too, cute!
She is adorable. Oh my gosh. What a fun post! I can tell you are going to be just as fun as your sister : ). That baby is too cute for words. Seriously.
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