Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Eve 2009!!!

Last year on New Year's Eve I was in labor with Sofia. So this year, I was thinking we need to do something BIG!!! Get a babysitter, stay up pass midnight, I don't know... something BIG!! I'm sure you can't wait for the WILD pictures of our New Year's Eve 2009....

Wait for it...There might be nudity...PG-13 please....

We stayed home with our Teething almost one year old...She was up most of the night...Fussy...When she wasn't crying and fussy Charlie and I finally watched the movie "The Hangover" Hilarious!
But, there is no where else I would rather have been!!!


sburns said...

This is kind of what we did but with no baby! I think you had the best New Year celebration ever. I like knowing that all my family was home celebrating quietly. Happy 2010!

girlytwins said...

We would have rather you been with us. We don't mind cranky babies :) But we understand. Happy New Year!!

Unknown said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. That is so sweet! Babies are the bestest!