Saturday, March 14, 2009

Martha's 50th Surprise Birthday Party...

Today we went to Charlie's aunt Martha's 50th surprise birthday party. It was the first time most of his family would be meeting Sofia. We got her all dressed up in her pretty pink party dress.

Abby couldn't wait to meet her new cousin. Abby was having fun playing with all of the big cousins, but about every 1/2 hour she would run up to me and ask if we were leaving. She didn't want her little cousin Sofia to go home!

As soon as we got there, it was time for a bottle. Grandpa Chaivat jumped at the chance to feed his granddaughter.
Then Sofia cuddled Grandma Irma ...
Finally, it was time to meet our cousins....Louisa
After being spoiled all was time to head home...and Sofia was ready for a long nap in the car!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just left you the nicest comment and it disappeared. She is so beautiful! I love her dress and her hair and her eyes. What a fun time you must have had showing off your little princess : ). I just read about her adventures at JLo's house today : ). Too funny! She is a perfect baby. I want one just like her!