Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Cousins are the Best!!

One of my favorite things during this trip was watching the girls play together. Bella and Livvie love their cousin Sofia! This is by far my favorite picture of the three of them.

This is cousin Bella. Bella loves to sing sweet little songs to Sofia when she is fussy. She also loves to read to her cousin. Sofia gets a smile on her face when she sees Bella. It's just the cutest.

This is cousin Livvie. Livvie loves to swim and is like a fish. She was so excited that her cousin Sofia got to go swimming for the first time in Arizona. Livvie loves to give Sofia kisses. And Sofia loves to put her hands in Livvie's mouth. Something Livvie is not quite fond of!

Every night at was...who gets to sit next to the baby.

We had to trade off!

In the morning the girls like to cuddle and watch cartoons together...

I have a feeling the three girls are going to be the Best of Friends!!


jlo said...

That's soooo cute!

Jason, as himself said...

I just had lunch with 2/3 of this tight little group of beauties.

Unknown said...

So darling. I am glad they can grow up near each other. We only got to see our cousins one week a year when we were growing up. That is awesome. ADORABLE pictures. Cutest girls in America.